
Privacy Policy

1. Basic Policy and Definitions

Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and each Yakult Group company in Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “Group” which includes the Company. For details, please refer to “2. Name, Address, Corporate Representative Name of the Business Operator.”) observes relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, other standards and appropriately handles information whereby a specific individual can be identified (including information which can be readily collated with other information and thereby identify a specific individual) such as the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address and information containing an individual identification code including the driver’s license number (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) of a data subject (hereinafter referred to as the “principal”) including customers that become necessary in the execution of business during the Group’s business activities. The Group recognizes the following items as our corporate responsibility and carries out our business activities under the following policy.

When individual privacy policies and handling rules separate from this Privacy Policy, or any other equivalents (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Rules, etc.”) are stipulated in each company of the Group, the contents will be applied ,respectively.

2. Name, Address, Corporate Representative Name of the Business Operator

(1)The Company

  • Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
  • 1-10-30 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
  • Hiroshi Narita, President and Representative Director

(2)Group Companies

For names, addresses, corporate representative names, please refer to the following links.

3. Personal Information Collection Method

The Group will collect personal information with legal and appropriate means and notify and release the purpose of use to the principal.

In addition, the Group will collect special care-required personal information, which the principal provides mainly because of health consultation reasons for the purchase of products of the Company, after obtaining consent from the principal.

4. Purpose of Use

The Group will use the collected personal information within the necessary scope for achievement of the following purposes in addition to purposes for which the principal respectively provides consent.

<Customer’s Personal Information>

  • Delivery of product and health related information, service provision, and any relevant communication
  • Notification of various events and campaigns
  • Delivery and notification of prizes, etc. in prize promotions or similar occasions
  • Delivery of mainly product and health related information, payment, after-sale service in online sales
  • Transmission of email and direct email and sending mail to those providing consent
  • Provision of the Group’s hiring information
  • Quality improvement of services by creation and analysis of statistical data of purchase histories, etc. wherein a specific individual cannot be identified
  • Surveys and examinations of and response to product and service use situations and needs
  • Appropriate response and dealing with inquiries, demands, and requests for information
  • Delivery of materials when a request for disclosure of personal information, etc. is received
  • Display of advertising of products and service according to hobbies and preferences by analyzing information such as acquired viewing history and purchase history

<Personal Information of Business Partners>

  • Information provision of the Group’s business and services and execution and management of transactions

<Personal Information of Applicants in Hiring and Recruitment Activity>

  • Provision of the Group’s hiring information, screening, identification of the principal, confirmation of the hiring process progress history, and information provision following employment

<Personal Information of Shareholders>

  • Response to the fulfillment of obligations and execution of rights by shareholders according to relevant laws and regulations including the Companies Act
  • Management of shareholders including record creation based on relevant laws and regulations including the Companies Act
  • Provision of various information and services, etc. to shareholders

<Other Personal Information>

  • Purposes of use agreed upon individually

5. Joint Use

The Group will jointly use personal information collected from the principal as follows.

(1)Scope of Joint Use:

Same as “2. Name, Address, Corporate Representative Name of the Business Operator.”
*The Company will impose the equivalent obligations on each company of the Group as obligations that the Company assumes and ensure compliance.

(2)Purpose of Use of Joint Users:

To achieve the purposes described in “4. Purpose of Use.”

(3)Items of Joint Use:

Name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, purchase history, hiring process progress history.

(4)Data Protection Officer:

Same as (1) of “2. Name, Address, Corporate Representative Name of the Business Operator.

6. Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing

In order to proceed with the necessary operation for achievement of the purpose of use smoothly, the Group may outsource part of the corresponding operations and provide personal information within the necessary scope for achieving the purpose of use to contractors. In this case, the Group will select appropriate contractors for personal information handling and carry out necessary and appropriate supervision including the conclusion of contracts on personal information handling with the corresponding contractors so appropriate security control action can be taken.

7.  Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

The Group never provides or discloses personal information collected from the principal to third parties unless consent is obtained from the principal or when any of the following applies.

  • When personal information is disclosed or provided in a format where a specific individual cannot be identified such as statistical data
  • When personal information is taken over due to a company merger or split, business transfer, or any other reasons
  • When provision or disclosure of personal information is necessary for the sake of protecting human life and limb or assets and when consent from the principal is difficult to obtain
  • When cooperation is necessary for the country, local governments, or the equivalent to implement public administration and when obtaining consent from the principal may pose an obstacle for the execution of the corresponding administration
  • When disclosure or provision is requested according to relevant laws and regulations

Joint use based on “5. Joint Use” and outsourcing based on “6. Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing” are not considered as disclosure or provision to third parties.

8. Pseudonymized Personal Information

The Group will create pseudonymized personal information by processing information in such a manner that the personal information can no longer be attributed to a specific principal without the use of additional information and analyze and use the said information for the purposes of the development of products, services, etc. and quality improvement. The Group jointly uses pseudonymized personal information within the scope of the said purposes of use, and stipulations in “5. Joint Use” will be applied for the scope of joint use and the Data Protection Officer.

9. Request for Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Utilization Cease, or Deletion

When the principal makes a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and utilization cease of their personal information (or when the principal requests to disclose a record of personal information provision to a third party), the Group will immediately respond and take necessary measures.

(1)Method of Request

The Company accepts requests from the principal in the following procedure.

  1. Please contact our contact center by phone and provide your name, address, phone number, and the request details.
  2. The Company will send necessary documents (Disclosure, etc. Request Form) by mail according to the request details.
  3. After filling in the necessary documents that were sent, please return the documents to the following contact center by mail together with (2) identification document and (3) handling fee. Please note that we do not accept documents by other methods (including direct visits to the office).

<The Company’s Contact Center (Customer Support Center)>

  • Phone number:
  • Address:
    Customer Support Center, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. 1-10-30 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-8660 Japan

(2)Identification Documents (One of the following)

  • A copy of the driver’s license
  • A copy of the passport
  • A copy of the health insurance card
  • A copy of the Pension Handbook

(3) Handling Fee

Regardless of the disclosure methods, a 500 yen handling fee is required for notification of the purpose of use of or disclosure of personal data held by the Company or disclosure of a record of providing personal data to third parties. Please enclose and mail a 500 yen postal order (teigaku kogawase) with the necessary documents.

(4)Disclosure Methods

The Company will disclose by mail or email, whichever the principal requests. Please select a method using the request form provided by the Company.

Please note that the Company is not able to meet requests when any of the following applies.

  • When all necessary documents, etc. are not received or necessary documents, etc. have flaws
  • When identification of the principal cannot be conducted
  • When life, limb, assets or any other rights or interests of the principal or a third party may be harmed
  • When proper business execution of the Company may be significantly affected
  • When disclosure/provision of the information violates the laws or regulations

10. Outline of the Security Control Action of Personal Information

The Group will establish an implementation system related to the following security control action and take sufficient security measures for the prevention of leak, loss, or damage of personal information handled by the Group and other security control measures of personal information.

  • Establishment of personal information handling regulations, etc. and a contact center to take questions and receive inquiries for request handling
  • Assignment of a personal data controller in each organization in respective Yakult Group companies in Japan and in the Company
  • Continuous provision of training and awareness programs to those handling personal information
  • Setting of access rights and implementation of measures to prevent browsing of personal information by unauthorized persons
  • Implementation of measures so personal information is no longer easily identifiable when a device or electronic media, etc. containing personal information is carried around
  • Implementation of periodic self- inspections of the personal information handling status
  • Immediate discard/deletion of personal information when use of the said information is no longer necessary

11.  Inquiries

For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact below.

(1) Personal Information for Online Orders

Please refer to the Privacy Policy in following link before contacting us.

  1. Personal information for delivery of online orders for dairy products, etc. (Yakult Delivery Net)
  2. Personal information regarding the online cosmetics shop

(2)Personal information regarding deliveries (deliveries by Yakult Ladies), sales at stores, and vending machine locations, etc.

Please check the region in the following link and contact the marketing company in the region shown at the bottom of the page.

Marketing company search by region https://www.yakult.co.jp/shop/index.php

(3)Other Personal Information in Each Company of the Group

Please refer to the following links and contact each company directly.

(4)Personal Information regarding Individual Websites and Notifications

When individually established websites and various individual notifications from the Group (emails and distribution items for campaigns, etc.) contain contact information, please use the contact information.

(5) Inquiries for Other Personal Information than the Above

For inquiries regarding other contents than the above, please contact us as follows.

  1. .Inquiries by phone
    • Contact: Customer Support Center, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. Phone number :+81-3-6625-8960
      *Please note that conversations will be recorded for accurate understanding of the contents.
      *Please display your phone number to allow us to respond to inquiries. When your phone is set to not display your phone number, please dial 186 before dialing our Customer Support Center phone number.

12. Privacy Policy Revision Procedure

The Group will revise the Privacy Policy based on necessity. However, when the Group makes a revision that requires consent from customers according to relevant laws or regulations, the revised Privacy Policy will only be applicable to customers providing consent to the relevant revisions in a predetermined method by the Group. In addition, when the Group revises the Privacy Policy, the Group will release when the revised Privacy Policy will take effect and the contents of the revisions on its website or individually send notifications to customers.

【Revision: April 1, 2022】
